Our wholesale and rehab page is for providing education and network contacts to help build your business. Some of the individuals have spoken in the past at our SB REIA Meetings and we have some good videos of them. As usual you need to do your due diligence with any investments, wholesale, rehabs, and the rest.
Kurtis and Cindy Squyres
Wholesale and Rehab in southern California
see their SB REIA 12 Videos from 9-24-09
Sensei Gilliland
Wholesale Investing Made Easy
CEO of Black Belt Investors
SBREIA Meeting 9-27-12 & Videos
Learn How to WHOLESALE with Black Belt Investors
- Wholesale Workshop – The Ultimate Real Estate Cash Machine! Sensei Gilliland of Black Belt Investors wholesale business model is simple… Find It, Bind It and Assign It. During Sensei’s workshop you will be trained as a real estate specialist to find deals and flush out owners of distressed properties, acquire large equity positions and control the asset, so you can assign or double close the deal for a healthy pay day. All you need is a reality-based techniques that have been field tested that will work Anytown, USA. Credit, money and taking title to the property is not necessary, so there’s no risk, just gain! Sensei’s goal at this Wholesale Workshop is to train you to become a heavyweight wholesaler, so you get you consistently paid! Don’t Miss It!!
Once you know Sensei’s top secrets and put them into action, you can flip deeply discounted real estate deals without cash, credit, or risk. The founder and CEO of Black Belt Investors began his investing endeavors in 1995.
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